Heinrich Zschokke’s 250th. birthday

JUBILEE’S PARTY PROGRAM As a member of the foundation, please send your registration with your complete details before the 28th of August to : Katharina Willi, Sägegasse 10, CH-8702 Zollikon (Email : karat@katharinawilli.ch) THE JUBILEE’S PARTY (September the 25th, starting 10.30 am) Grossratsgebäude (Great Council’s house), Obere Vorstadt 10, Aarau, Switzerland Greetings : Hans Fahrländer, […]
Zschokke Day : Camera is Running !

This meeting brought together around 200 Zschokke descendants as the starting point for shooting Adrian Zschokke’s film. 1. Dezember 2019 (Aarau) A Worthwhile Afternoon 200 descendants of Heinrich Zschokke met on December 1st in Aarau in advance of the famous politician and writer’s 250th birthday. Some family members, a mixed bouquet from all three tribes, […]
Cousinfest in Finning

The cousinfest for our family took place on the 20th to 21st of april, 2019 in Finning by Ammersee (Bavarian land). For the occasion, we used the Hotel Staudenwirt for accomodation. Meeting’s participants Following people were there for this great meeting, which was a complete success : (separated by branch) • Stoffel Walter and Dominique, […]