Welcome !
Our foundation is 100 years old !
It became effective in April 1923 and in January 1924 the Destinaries signed the statues.
We will inform you soon about a possible reunion.
Our website informs the descendants of Hans Fleiner about the history of the foundation, and offers its members space to get to know each other and to exchange ideas.

Hans Fleiner (1864-1922)
The foundation
On September 17, 1920, Hans Fleiner von Aarau, who was born on February 1, 1864 and died on March 18. 1922, he stipulated in his will that three twelfth of his assets are to be transferred to a commun fund and that the interest will go to his siblings, their children and their grandchildren “when they need a grant or when they are in need through no fault of their own”.
The partition contract became legally binding on April 15, 1923.
The heirs agreed to convert this fund into a foundation in accordance with Art. 80 and 87 of the Swiss Civil Code.
On January 16, 1924, the statutes of the “Hans Fleiner’schen Family Foundation” were signed by the beneficiaries.

Leontine Fleiner Zschokke in 1905